
Strata: Portraits of Humanity - Jun'18

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(1) In 480 BC, Greek cities of Sicily soundly defeated a massive Carthaginian force at the first Battle of Himera. Himera then built the Temple of Victory and, in a unique event in the history of Greeks in Sicily, buried 10,000 riders with their horses. But in 409 BC, Himera was destroyed. (2) Tasiro is a wood carver who expertly creates traditional sculptures representing the Solomon Islands culture and reflecting the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds him. Dedicated to his craft, Tasiro uses carving as a means of supporting his family.

Sci-fi Journal - Jun'18

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Sci-Fi Journal for June 2018 with hosts James Hinsey, Ian Kingston, Maddy Morisseau, Marc Morisseau, and Calvin Watts III. The Sci-Fi Journal crew went on the road for Free Comic Book Day in May and interviewed several local comic book shop proprietors. Calvin interviews Cassie of Green Dragon Comics in Glocester, RI. Ian does Popcorn Previews with trailers for ''Skyscraper'', and ''Mission Impossible: Fallout''. Ian interviews Randy of Wild Time Comics in Attleboro, MA. James interviews Regan of Rah-CoCo's Collectibles in Providence, RI.

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"2018 High School Scholarship Essay Contest" (1 hour, 31 minutes)

On May 6, Sacramento area high school students read and defended their essays in response to a quotation from Iranian women’s rights advocate, Mahnaz Afkhami: “The connection between women’s human rights, gender equality, socioeconomic development, and peace is increasingly apparent."