
Analyzing the 1 Percent

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Analyzing the 1% - Program Nr. 6:
a/ A dialectic between Capitalism and Socialism.
b/ The third way – an explanation of the principles used in the Trilogical
Cooperative Company and it’s broad application on the economics of
c/ Excerpt of Dr.Keppe from STOP TV Program 269 - How to Get Back on
the Road to Success.
d/ The mistake of putting our hopes in the powerful instead of in our own
e/ OWS video of demonstration against Bank of America – “It’s Time to
Turn the Tables.”

Analyzing the 1 Percent

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Analyzing the 1% - Program Nr. 5:
a/ An analysis of the pathology inherent in the structures of Capitalism,
Marxism and Anarchism.
b/ The need to uphold the principles of the Founding Fathers of the U.S.
e/ video clip of OWS explaining and protesting the American Legislative
Exchange Council.
f/ Kennedy quote that reveals the difference between Democracy and
g/ The need for New York residents to support those within the NYPD who
desire not to carry out the anti-constitutional orders they receive to

Analyzing the 1 Percent

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Analyzing the 1% - Program Nr. 4:
a/ Who are the 1%
b/ A concern of Thomas Jefferson - schools and public media must be free;
how the 1% are anti-American.
c/ excerpt of Dr. Keppe from STOP TV Program 269 – What is Wall Street?
d/ What will happen with the money that the 1% siphoned from society.
e/ video excerpt of retired Philadelphia police captain Ray Lewis.
f/ police being used by the 1% - strategy of the economically powerful to
Divide and Conquer.
g/ video excerpt from Stop the Destruction of the World Association –

Analyzing the 1 Percent

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Analyzing the 1% - Program Nr. 3:
a/ the science that links psycho-pathology with socio-pathology in order to
analyze the mental condition of the 1%.
b/ Occupier video clip from Occupy Philadelphia – Martin Luther King
speaks to Occupy Wall Street.
c/ Some pathological aspects of Capitalism, Socialism and Anarchism.
d/ Three Vital Steps Necessary to Bring Down the 1%.
e/ excerpt of Dr. Keppe from STOP TV Program 264 – What Makes A Nation
f/ Short video clip from OWS – “Somebody.”

Analyzing the 1 Percent

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Analyzing the 1% - Program Nr. 2:
a/ video clip of Power to the People.
b/ a brief description of the science of Analytical Trilogy.
c/ main concern of Occupy movement – i.e. the 1% has usurped our
Constitutional rights.
d/ by comparison to the concerns and principles of Founding Father
Thomas Paine - how the 1% are completely anti-American.
e/ excerpt of Dr. Norberto Keppe from STOP TV Program Nr. 263 – Adam
Smith’s Influence on Society.
f/ confusing Capitalism with Democracy.

Analyzing the 1 Percent

This episode is currently not viewable online.

Analyzing the 1% - Program Nr. 1:
a/ a brief description of the science of Analytical Trilogy.
b/ video clip of analyzing the 1% from Liberty Square.
c/ excerpt of Dr. Norberto Keppe from STOP TV Program Nr. 262 – What is
a Real Society.
d/ civil disobedience is actually obedience to the truth.
e/ video clip of Reclaiming Wisconsin march and Police Brutality in New
f/ analyzing the NYPD and their relationship to the 1%.
g/ the difference between violence and courage.

Redwood Prairie Puppets - Old Jebidiah

This episode is currently not viewable online.

The show features a unique and colorful cast of puppets, people and animated characters that celebrates the very unique nature of  small town life in Northern California!

Redwood Prairie Puppets - Dirt & Monsters

This episode is currently not viewable online.

The show features a unique and colorful cast of puppets, people and animated characters that celebrates the very unique nature of  small town life in Northern California!