
Sci-Fi Journal

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Sci-Fi Journal for July 2012 with hosts James Hinsey, Jay Kingston, Marc Morisseau, and Calvin Watts III. Jay starts with Popcorn Previews with trailers for "Despicable Me 2", "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial", "House At the End of the Street", "Looper" and "Champions of the Deep: The Sword of the Sea". Calvin is next with Game Over covering DVD/Blu-ray releases and video game news, a trailer for "Halo 4" and more news about 38 Studios.

Perils for Pedestrians

This episode is currently not viewable online.

--We talk with an anthropologist in Lisbon, Portugal, about pedestrians and traffic conflicts.

--We talk with a city counselor in Aveiro, Portugal, about walking.

--We look at the Active Access European project to encourage walking.