
The Road to Recovery - Research to Practice: How Advancements in Science are Helping People with Mental and Substance Use Disorders

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Scientific research in the fields of prevention, treatment, and recovery - as related to both mental and substance use disorders - has led to many exciting discoveries and insights.  The practice of prevention, treatment, and recovery in behavioral health is incresingly becoming evidence-based by incorporating these scientific advancements.  What steps are being taken to shorten the time between significant research findings and their diseemination to the field?  What programs and intiatives are in place to help move research to practice?  How can practitioners ensure they are taking advan

In The Studio - The Big Read - Here Is A Human Being

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Jay Johnstone, Davis Branch Librarian, hosts Jeremy Berg, UCD graduate student in Evolution & Ecology, and Judy Wexler, UCD graduate student in Population Biology, to discuss 'The Big Read: Here Is a Human Being' by Misha Angrist.

More info at sciencenovels.wordpress.com and yolocountylibrary.org.

In The Studio - Peregrine School

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Ron Clement hosts staff from Peregrine School, including Lorie Hammond, Academic Director and co-founder, Elena Whitcombe, Executive Director and co-founder, and Chris Erickson, Marketing Coordinator and elementary teacher. Discussion centers on the opening of the new South Davis campus. Peregrine School is a non-profit private school that strives to integrate the rigorous academics of a classical liberal arts education with child-centered, project-based learning.

More info on the school at: peregrineschool.org