Davisville April 27, 2020 with Municipal Finance Expert Bob Leland

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We're about three months into the Covid-19 pandemic, and today Steve Boschken, a Davis real estate and mortgage broker, returns to Davisville to talk about the effects on Davis rents and housing so far. The subjects include lease renewals among students, the uncertainty of in-person classes at UC Davis this fall, where Davis stood before the pandemic hit, the rise in unemployment, prices, and how conditions in Davis differ from other parts of the region.

Video adaptation of: 

COVID-19 Community Report April 28, 2020

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COVID-19 Community Report - Episode 13 - April 28, 2020

This is a video made using the audio content from the KDRT 95.7 LP-FM show, found here:


See link above for show content details.

hosted by Autumn Labbe-Renault, Exectutive Director of Davis Media Access, on KDRT 95.7 LP-FM. Tues. & Fri. Noon-12:30pm.

Davisville April 13, 2020 with Davis Enterprise Columnist Wendy Weitzel

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Today I talk with Davis Enterprise retail business columnist Wendy Weitzel about how local restaurants and retailers are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. We discuss stories of struggle, creativity, and most of all uncertainty, plus thoughts about how retail might change even after the stay-at-home public health orders are lifted. She has written her Comings & Goings column for nearly 20 years and normally posts a new column every other week, but is writing weekly during the pandemic.

Video adaptation of:

COVID-19 Community Report April 24, 2020

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COVID-19 Community Report - Episode 12 - April 24, 2020

This is a video made using the audio content from the KDRT 95.7 LP-FM show, found here:


See link above for show content details.

hosted by Autumn Labbe-Renault, Exectutive Director of Davis Media Access, on KDRT 95.7 LP-FM. Tues. & Fri. Noon-12:30pm.

Teens on Topic #35 - How do you think authorities have handled the COVID-19 Pandemic?

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Teens on Topic #35- How do you think authorities have handled the COVID-19 Pandemic?

DJUSD teens discuss how they think COVID-19 has been handled by authorities: the federal government, state and local, and their own local school district.

Recorded via Zoom and through the facilities of Davis Media Access on April 23, 2020.

Earth Day Sing Out

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Earth Day has been celebrated with large, public gatherings worldwide for fifty years. This year, KDRT is working with the Davis Climate Strike and a coalition of climate activists from Davis, Yolo, Solano, and Sacramento counties to put together a special Earth Day Sing Out for you.  You can join your voice in song -- and take action from your home -- in defense of a healthier environment.

COVID-19 Community Report April 21, 2020

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COVID-19 Community Report - Episode 11 - April 21, 2020

This is a video made using the audio content from the KDRT 95.7 LP-FM show, found here:


See link above for show content details.

hosted by Autumn Labbe-Renault, Exectutive Director of Davis Media Access, on KDRT 95.7 LP-FM. Tues. & Fri. Noon-12:30pm.