In The Studio - Immigration in Yolo County

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Autumn Labbe-Renault hosts Ramon Urbano, Past-President, Yolo Interfaith Immigration Network (YIIN) and Sam Loomis, YIIN Fundraising Coordinator.

topics discussed include: fundraising dinner April 10th, why the network started, programs they have, other organizations they work with, their museum, how to get involved.

Recorded 03/07/19.

In The Studio - COOL Cuisine Burger Battle

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Rachael Simons hosts Anya McCann, Founder COOL Cuisine, and Brandon Dinh, Chef & Owner of Chay Corner.

topics discussed include: Burger Battle March '19, why its started, how a beef burger impacts the environment, details of the battle, how to vote, teams, etc., raffles and prizes.

Recorded 03/07/19.