In The Studio - Holiday Scams & Safety

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Jessica Wong hosts Kevin Clark, Enforcement Officer, Yolo County District Attorney and Paul Hillegass Investigator, Yolo County District Attorney.

Fraud Hotline: 855-496-5632 or

topics discussed include: preventing victimization, the impacts of being a victim of fraud, victim services, identity theft, fraud life insurance & annuities which are especially prevalent during the holidays.

Recorded 10/19/17

In The Studio - Rev. John Pamperin - The Later Years

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Rev. Timothy T. Malone hosts Rev. John Pamperin, Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.

topics discussed include: The later years of Rev. John Pamperin's life and all he has done to be awarded a lifetime achievement award from the Mexican American Concilio of Yolo County, and his action on civil rights issues.

Recorded 10/19/17

In The Studio - Rev. John Pamperin - The Early Years

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Rev. Timothy T. Malone hosts Rev. John Pamperin, Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient and Rick Gonzales, President of the Mexican American Concilio of Yolo County.

topics discussed include: The early years of Rev. John Pamperin's life and all he has done to be awarded a lifetime achievement award from the Mexican American Concilio of Yolo County.

Recorded 10/19/17

Strata: Portraits of Humanity - Oct'17

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Hawthorne was a small community in Aiken County, South Carolina.   When the construction of the Savannah River Site nuclear reservation took place  in 1950, Hawthorne and its handful of residents had to be removed.  The climate of the times and the onset of the Cold War meant the end of this community.  As the years passed, Hawthorne and its story were lost.  This documentary combines interviews with two surviving residents, historical documents and photos, and archaeology to draw the viewer into this very tumultuous time.

Produced in 2017 by Archaeological Legacy Institute

The Art Theater of Davis and Davis Cemetery District present The Seagull

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The Art Theater of Davis and Davis Cemetery District present The Seagull, a play by Anton Chekov. Staged outdoors at the Davis Cemetery District & Arboretum, this play was presented April 8-11th & May 6-9th, 2017.  This is the May 9th performance.

Recorded 05/09/17.

Libertarian Counterpoint

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1. 3 PLF case representing the 3 P’s of our practice areas:

a. Clark v. Seattle (personal liberties)

b.People for the ethical treatment of property v. Us fish and wildlife service (property rights)

c. Center for biological diversity v. Zinke (procedural guarantees)

2. California Considering Ban on internal combustion cars

3. New Tax Plan could hit Californians hard