Who Did It - The Clue VCR Game

In 1985, Parker Brothers produced the CLUE VCR Mystery Game for VHS. Filmed in Massachusetts, it would cast a group of unknown actors to portray the iconic CLUE characters such as Col. Mustard and Professor Plum. While most productions were filmed in Hollywood and New York City at the time, Parker Brothers took a chance and broke the mold by filming with New England based talent. At the time, it became the most successful video board game of its time, revolutionizing the medium of VHS and video gaming. A few years later, Nintendo and Sega would hit toy stores across the country and the VHS began to fade away as the gaming industry quickly changed.

30 years later, the cast and crew reunite to tell the tale which many have forgotten. The trail blazers that helped change the toy market and the actors who put Boston back on the map as a destination for filmmaking, each give their personal and professional opinion on the importance of what the CLUE VCR Mystery Game was all about. WINNER 1st Place Historical Documentary (Professional) Alliance for Community Media - Northeast Region.

Produced by Tim Labonte

Millville Cable Access

37 min 28 sec
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
DCTV - Sponsored Programs
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