Autumn Labbe-Renault's blog

Upcoming Workshops: General Orientation

DMA requires all new participants to attend a General Orientation. These one-hour sessions happen once per month, usually in the evening, and include some history and background, examples of media produced, and a tour of the facilities. At the Orientation, you’ll learn about specific ways to get involved, depending on your interests, as well as suggested next steps.  Some typical options for an individual are becoming a DCTV Sponsor, DCTV Volunteer Producer, a KDRT Volunteer Programmer, or internships.   

Friday, April 25, 2014 - 11:30am

Summer Animation Camps

This year looks to be one of our most fun yet!  If you are interested in enrolling in one of our Animation Camps for summer 2014, don't delay too long!  Our Video Production camps are full.

More info about the camps can be found here:

Kids Video Animation Camp One   July 7 - 11:  1-4pm

Kids Video Animation Camp Two   July 14 - 18: 1-4pm

Friday, April 25, 2014 - 11:30am

Programming Highlights

Election coverage: DMA’s commitment to non-partisan, voter education programming and local election coverage is well known in these parts, and right bow, election season is in full swing. With ‘Meet the Candidates,” pro-con statements for local ballot measures, and several forums airing on DCTV Channel 15 on Comcast and available online, we’re working with other community organizations on the next set of forums, and beginning to think about what shape our election-night program will take.

Friday, April 25, 2014 - 11:15am

On DJUSD Channel 17

DJUSD presents “Local Control Accountability Plan” (LCAP Plan). By July 1 CA Districts are required to adopt, with community input, a three-year accountability plan. DJUSD Superintendent Winfred Roberson explains the DJUSD’s process:

You can find a weekly schedule for this show, live airs and repeats of school board meetings, local school productions and much more, at

Friday, April 25, 2014 - 11:15am


With a tip of the hat to the Smith family: On April 23, Rod Moseanko, host of The Grapevine on KDRT 95.7 FM, offered up a salute to the generosity and lasting spirit of the late, great Bill Smith.  Bill was an early volunteer and strong contributing supporter of community access television and radio here in Davis. His involvement at DCTV, KDRT and KDVS gave him adventuresome local platforms to demonstrate his exceptional creativity.

Friday, April 25, 2014 - 11:15am

Opportunity for Studio Host Intern

DMA tips its hat to Lin Weaver, who has served as studio host intern for DMA’s “In the Studio” series for much of the past year. Lin has a full plate these days, and will not be hosting as much in the future, though she’s not leaving altogether. We thank her for the outstanding job she’s done, producing many segments of In the Studio (you can check those out at

Friday, April 25, 2014 - 11:15am

A note from the director

I’m a connect-the-dots kind of gal, and I love nothing better than connecting people and resources. I’ve been kind of giddy this past month, juiced by the huge amount of community interaction taking place under this roof.  Many dots have been connected!

Sixteen non-profits in Yolo County took part in PSA Day, and there’s a waiting list for next time. Eight will tip that waiting list; if interested, send email to See the PSA Day collection.

Mother Falcon and Mariachi Puente made the walls shake and shimmy with their recorded performances in the DCTV studio. Tom Brousseau gave us soulful food for thought. Listen to musicians on Listening Lyrics. See the mariachi shoot here.

Internships & kids' camps

Video Production internships: Davis Media Access (DMA) has a few openings for a three-month television production internship. 

The internship is available to DJUSD students and provides hands-on experience and exposure to many aspects of community television production.  The internship focuses on coverage of DJSUD sporting and performing arts events, as a component of DMA’s partnership with DJUSD Educational Access Television Channel 17.

Community Events & Notices

County broadband survey : Equitable and affordable broadband access is a community media policy issue. Broadband adoption is slow in many areas of Yolo County and the county is taking action, embarking on a collaborative broadband planning study coordinated by Yolo LAFCo. The study aims to help determine Yolo County can best ensure that our businesses, residents, and community anchor institutions have access to affordable, high-quality and high-speed broadband services that will meet their long-term needs.

DMA is pleased to partner with the County and LAFCo to help get the word out about the survey. There’s one survey for residences, one for businesses, and the links are here: