General Audiences - TV-G/ TV-PG

The Language of Business - Small Businesses

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Join Greg Stoller at he looks at four small businesses that are taking on the big guys and thriving. From the Brookline Booksmith to the Granite State Plastics company, each of these businesses have something that makes them irresistible to their customers. Whether you are looking for someplace to grow your portfolio or are just in the mood for something sweet, you won't want to miss this show!

The Language of Business - Restaurant Profitability

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The Language of Business returns with an episode filled with business innovators who leave it all on the table: restauranteurs! From literal Mom and Pop operations to one of the nation's most innovative and promising chains, this show looks at making it all work in a challenging field.

Strata: Portraits of Humanity - Dec'16

This episode is currently not viewable online.

(1) Only 100 people still live on tiny Mwoakilloa atoll in the Pacific, but the Mwokilese community on nearby Pohnpei still performs the traditional dances of their home island.  The young Mwokilese men prepare for the cultural day festivities, keeping their ancient traditional war dance alive.  (2) Archaeobotanist Tania Valamoti and her team excavating at Dikili Tash in northern Greece are finding and analyzing seed remains from the Neolithic period.  These seeds could help define how the ancient Neolithic people grew their food.