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The 23rd Annual City of Davis Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration

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 The 23rd Annual City of Davis Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
“Justice Everywhere: Speaking Up For JUSTICE in a Climate of Intolerance”
Commemorating the life and accomplishments of Dr. King for civil rights, peace and nonviolence.   
Keynote speaker Garth Lewis, musician Aleta Ballinger, children of the Parents of African American Children Davis group,  a talk by Jessa Rae Growing Thunder, musician Marque Cass, and the Davis Freedom Singers.

Sci-fi Journal - Jan '17

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Sci-Fi Journal for January 2017 with hosts James Hinsey, Jay Kingston, Marc Morisseau, and Calvin Watts III. Jay does Popcorn Previews with trailers for "Beauty and the Beast", "Justice League", "Spider-Man: Homecoming". arc does Toob News covering all of our favorite and new television shows coming up in 2017. We have more interviews from Rhode Island Comic Con 2016, the first one with Marc interviewing Kadrolsha Ona, the Queen of the Paranormal. Marc interviews Chester about Musetap Studios.

Media Edge

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"How America's Public Schools Keep Kids in Poverty" (14 minutes)
Why should a good education be exclusive to rich kids? Schools in low-income neighborhoods across the US, specifically in communities of color, lack resources that are standard at wealthier schools — things like musical instruments, new books, healthy school lunches and soccer fields — and this has a real impact on the potential of students. Kandice Sumner sees the disparity every day in her classroom in Boston. In this inspiring talk, she asks us to face facts — and change them.

Media Edge

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"Inside the Mind of a Former Radical Jihadist" (17.5 minutes)

"For a long time, I lived for death," says Manwar Ali, a former radical jihadist who participated in violent, armed campaigns in the Middle East and Asia in the 1980s. In this moving talk, he reflects on his experience with radicalization and makes a powerful, direct appeal to anyone drawn to Islamist groups claiming that violence and brutality are noble and virtuous: let go of anger and hatred, he says, and instead cultivate your heart to see goodness, beauty and truth in others.

Libertarian Counterpoint

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What is the alt-right? Do libertarians fall under this tag?

Is the planet melting? If so, what would be a libertarian approach to the problem.

Can human ingenuity and technology overcome the finite limits of Earth's biosphere? How would libertarians distribute the limited resources so as to maximize utility?

Did Nicolas Tesla invent "global warming" when he theorized about (or maybe invented) an ionospheric heater?

Libertarian Counterpoint

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Overcoming Duverger's Law (plurality elections lead to propensity for a two-party system). What is a realistic path to a more effective libertarian voice in politics?

How the proliferation of regulations makes everyone a felon.

How the regulatory state works to the benefit of big business.

How regulation cripples entrepreneurial enterprise.

How regulation creates a parasitical consulting industry.

Should government own real estate?

Libertarian Counterpoint

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Central banks, including the Federal Reserve and its counterparts in other countries at the national level and the International Monetary Fund at the global level and how their creation of phony money enables the phony war against poverty and the creation of dependent zombie voters.

Central bank phony money enabling the warfare state and defense industry parasites.

Central bank phony money enabling the war on terror and total 1984 style invasion of privacy.