General Audiences - TV-G/ TV-PG

Populist Dialogues - 13-36 - Perspectives on Afghanistan

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Guest Zaher Wahab, Professor Emeritus from Lewis & Clark College and a native of Afghanistan, describes the current condition of and how the American occupation and other civil disturbances have harmed the Afghan educational system. The Afghan government is a puppet government and is seen as illegitimate by the people, in part because of the power of NGOs operating there. Reconstruction efforts have been a failure with most of the money going back to the donor countries or spent by donor country's own NGOs.

Populist Dialogues - 13-35 - Campaign Against Torture

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Populist Dialogues host David Delk talks with Linda Gustitus, President of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture. The first part of program deals with America as a torturer and changes in that since Pres. Obama became president. And then moves on to talk about another form of torture, solitary confinement in the US. The US has over 80,000 people in solitary, some of them being there for over 30 years. Linda describes some of the effects on people and how we can help end solitary confinement by organizing in our local communities.

Populist Dialogues - 13-34 - Oregon Drone Law

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The Oregon legislature passed a bill regulating drone use in Oregon by public agencies but left drone use by individuals and corporations without rules or oversight. Guest Jason Kafoury, a Portland Trail lawyer and organizer with the Oregon Progressive Party, talks about the party's campaign first with the City of Portland and now the state to craft laws which would ban private drone use, create a registry of drone users (both public and private) and put in place effective controls on public agency use of drones.

Populist Dialogues - 13-33 - Citizens Climate Lobby

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Guests Tamara Staton and Phil Carver discuss the growing Citizens Climate Lobby (CLL) and how people can be involved to advance a Fee & Dividend Proposal to reduce the amount of climate carbon to below 350 PPM. Tamara Staton is the leader of Portland's CCL chapter and Phil is a policy advisor to Oregon's Department of Energy. Fee & Dividend would impose a fee on the production of fossil fuels and rebate it back to the citizens, creating an incentive to reduce the amount of fossil fuel production and use.

Populist Dialogues - 13-32 - Ending Corporate Rule via Local Community Rights Movements

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Paul Cienfuegos returns for part 2 of our discussion of creating local community rights movements to prevent usually large national and multinational corporations from dominating our democracy. Paul reviews the history of the regulatory box designed by corporate interests to regulate the peoples' participation in decision-making. He also discusses the movement to give nature rights, enforceable by citizens and looks at how the community rights movement is developing here in Oregon.

Populist Dialogues - 13-31 - Challenging Corporate Rule via Ordinance

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Community Rights organizer Paul Cienfuegoes wants to reduce or eliminate corporate rule by engaging communities to enact community rights ordinance which says that corporations are prohibited from engaging in certain activities in local communities, many times in direct contradiction to state or federal law. Paul discuss successes in American local communities as well as internationally. Part 1 of 2 part series