Advocacy & Activism

Nowhere Left to Go - The Jahalin Bedouin

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Alice Walker Narrates - ''Nowhere Left to Go: The Jahalin Bedouin'' - With Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Sound Track

Alice Walker, celebrated author and human rights activist narrates this April 15, 2012, documentary. Pink Floyd’s Roger Walters provides a moving sound track.

“Nowhere Left to Go: The Jahalin Bedouin” shows the daily lives of the Jahalin Bedouin community. (Runtime: 00:27:50)

Ending Corporate Personhood - David Cobb - Pt2

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“Ending Corporate Personhood” - David Cobb - Part 2 of 2

David Cobb explains why it is essential to end corporate personhood and bar equating money with freedom of speech. The history of corporations in slavery is outlined. How corporations have abused their power is shown with numerous examples from the ‘Age of Discovery’ to modern times. David explains how ludicrous it was for the American colonists to go on bended knee to ask to be treated fairly.

Ending Corporate Personhood - David Cobb - Pt1

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“Ending Corporate Personhood” - David Cobb - Part 1 of 2

David Cobb explains why it is essential to end corporate personhood and bar equating money with freedom of speech. The history of corporations from Roman times is outlined. How corporations have abused their power is shown with numerous examples from the ‘Age of Discovery’ to modern times. David explains how ludicrous it was for the American colonists to go on bended knee to ask to be treated fairly.

Greywater Showcase Webinar 2020

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Water Wise Davis hosts the 4th annual Greywater Showcase with special guests and a laundry to landscape parts kit raffle at the end. Learn the basics plus more sophisticated design considerations when reusing laundry and shower water to irrigate your landscape. Webinar was held July 22, 2020. Water Wise Davis is a working group of Cool Davis. Parts kit sponsored by City of Davis.

Home Cooling Part 1: Evening Cooling

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This video goes over how to cool your home with the Delta Breeze and avoid peak energy cooling by load shifting. Using your windows in the evening is one of the best ways to lower your evening cooling energy.

See more cool solutions on our website:​

Cool Solutions checklist:​

LiveCoolDavis Vlog 4: CFL and Household Hazardous Waste Disposal

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This video goes over the how to properly dispose of CFLs and other household hazardous waste (HHW) at the Yolo County Landfill.

For updates on the Yolo County Landfill hours of operation, Covid-19 precautions, or to schedule a home pickup of your HHW please see the landfill website:​