Advocacy & Activism

Davis Futures Forum - Elizabeth Baca - How a City's Design Affects Your Health - Apr 2018

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Davis Futures Forum presents How a City's Design Affects Your Health 

featuring Elizabeth Baca, MD, MPA Governor's Office of Planning and Research

moderated by Robb Davis

local perspectives with Peter Jacobson, Bike Davis and Sheila Allen, Executive Director, Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance

Sponsored by Cool Davis.

Recorded 04/04/18.

In The Studio - Immigration in Yolo County

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Autumn Labbe-Renault hosts Ramon Urbano, Past-President, Yolo Interfaith Immigration Network (YIIN) and Sam Loomis, YIIN Fundraising Coordinator.

topics discussed include: fundraising dinner April 10th, why the network started, programs they have, other organizations they work with, their museum, how to get involved.

Recorded 03/07/19.

Populist Dialogues - 18-07 - The VA Gives Better Care - Don't Privatize It

This episode is currently not viewable online.

Our guest Suzanne Gordon, author of ''The Battle for Veterans' Healthcare, Dispatches From the Front lines of Policy Making and Patient Care'', discusses what the VA is, the effects of underfunding and rules made by Congress; who is eligible; the difference between VA health care and private health care; what happens when veterans are moved from the VA to private service providers.

Recorded: May 16, 2018

This is one in a series of interviews between host David Delk and various guests working to end corporate domination and establishing true democracy.

Vanguard Court Watch 8th Annual Fundraiser

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The Davis Vanguard presents Vanguard Court Watch 8th Annual Fundraiser.

Immigration Law: Defending Immigrant Rights and Keeping Families Together


Cecelia Escamillia-Greenwald, Brett Lee, NLG Sacramento, ACLU Yolo, Chuck Pacheco, Don Saylor, Holly Cooper, and David Greenwald.

Guest speaker Matt Gonzalez.

Immigration is a highly charged and important issue in our nation today. The event features two speakers who have been on the front lines of defending the rights of immigrants and their families.

Davis Futures Forum presents Paula Daniels

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The Davis Futures Forum presents Let's Talk About Food: Tapping the Potential of Davis.

presented by Paula Daniels, Co-founder and Chair of the Center of Food Purchasing, and a former senior advisor on food policy to former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. 

Daniels described how city policies can address sustainability, using food as an economic development tool.

Davis Mayor Brett Lee hosted the event, also featuring a panel discussion by local food leaders & remarks from Gloria Partida.