
The 2017 Dragons' Den Highlights

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This highlight video features the Da Vinci Charter Academy 2017 Dragons' Den from December 16, 2017.

Dragons' Den is an event where 23 student teams create a viable small business for Davis and produce five- to 10-minute pitches to "Dragons"-  asking for investments in their businesses in return for a share in the company. This is a business fair type event, where judges proceed to each groups booth.

Video was produced by Davis Media Access, with Amin Muhammed as videographer.  

From the Davis Enterprise: 

In The Studio - YCCC: An Evening of Inspiration & Hope

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Martha Teeter hosts Debbie Woodsford, Director of Development, and Roger Pehlke, Board Member, Yolo Community Care Continuum.


topic discussed include: 2nd annual gala and auction Oct 6th 2017 at the CA AG museum in Woodland; being a board member and how they'd like like grow; 3 types of programs - crisis transitional, permanent housing; honoring Dignity Health at Gala; Live auction items - African safari, Disneyland, SF daytrip; Bob Dunning EmCee.