Local Government

The City Considers - Addressing Homelessness in Davis

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On this episode of  "The City Considers" Autumn Labbe-Renault interviews Dana Bailey, Director of Social Services and Housing for the City of Davis. Bailey joined the City in May 2022 as head of this new department, the creation of which was a direct outcome of efforts to provide a non-police response to incidents involving mental illness and/or homelessness.

National Association of Counties Conference '23

This episode is currently not viewable online.

National Association of Counties Conference '23

National Association of Counties-NACo represents all counties in the 50 states, over 3,000 counties.

Representatives from your county, region and state attended.

Key issues discussed and covered in the 59 minute TV program include affordable housing, access to mental health services, how  AI can help counties improve services, disaster preparedness and county jails.

Adam Morrill

This episode is currently not viewable online.

Adam Morrill is one of two candidates running for Davis City Council District 4. His available technology did not meet the needs required to record on DMA's virtual platform, and we were unable to record his statement.