On this episode of "The City Considers" Autumn Labbe-Renault interviews Dana Bailey, Director of Social Services and Housing for the City of Davis. Bailey joined the City in May 2022 as head of this new department, the creation of which was a direct outcome of efforts to provide a non-police response to incidents involving mental illness and/or homelessness.
Discussion touches on contributing issues of homelessness, as well as the City's work to staff a respite center and other efforts aiming at connecting our local unhoused population. Also discussed: conflicts between businesses, residents and the homeless; how and where to report incidents; and upcoming community engagement efforts for community members in regular proximity with the homeless.
"The City Considers" originally launched in 2020 and was shelved during the pandemic. This episode relaunches the quarterly series, which takes a look at the people behind City programs and services.
Homelessness Resources: https://www.cityofdavis.org/residents/social-services/homelessness-resources-and-information
Recorded 12/5/23