Political Organizations

Libertarian Counterpoint

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12/14/17 #1377

Richard Fields, Timothy Snowball, John Cameron

Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky (First Amendment/Political Speech) (SCOTUS) Minnesota bans political t-shirts etc. at polling places under penalty of $5000 fine.

Spivey v. United States (police/gov agents cannot lie to gain "consent" for warrantless search of home) (SCOTUS).

Ricketts v. Miami Shores (city says cannot use front yard for vegetable garden for own consumption/property rights) (FL Supreme Court).

Libertarian Counterpoint

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Man accused of rape in Louisiana denied his right not to be interrogated without a lawyer

Trump's war on opioids will be an expensive, disastrous failure

Under GOP Federal spending soars

Hillary's Russian scandal, Uranium One

Libertarian running for Coroner in Pennsylvania gets encouragement from retiring coroner

Libertarian mayoral candidate in Scranton, PA scores court win for taxpayers.