
Populist Dialogues - 13-14 Destroying Renewable Energy

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Guest Paul Sansone, a founding member of Oregon Citizens Against the Pipelines, relates how fossil fuel companies have used lies, fraud and manipulation to destroy regional gas markets, turning them into international markets, thereby creating tremendous profit margins for themselves to the determent of Oregonians and the American people. These corporations created a huge natural gas bubble with the result that the renewable energy industry will be killed for the third time. These corporations are illegal criminal enterprises which should be brought to justice.

Populist Dialogues - 13-13 Corporate Personhood, an early history

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Ashley Sanders, Exec Committee member of Move to Amend, notes that corporate controlled political system and economy has been centuries in the making, that it is a human creation and tells the story of the historic development of corporate power starting 500 years ago. She describes the role of kings, imperialism, the formation of the East India Company by the King of England, members of the British Parliament and the wealthy folks of England who wanted to make more money in international trade.

Populist Dialogues - 13-12 Campaign Finance Reform and Filibusters

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Guest Dan Meek reviews the largely failed efforts of Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley to reform the US Senate filibuster rules. He also review how the filibuster rules have changed over the past 75 years. Then Dan talks about the failure of congress to make legal changes to overturn Citizens United or at least some of the effects. He notes that Oregon laws are "Citizens United on Steroids" and explains the reasons for that description and further notes that "Oregon is more loophole than law."

Populist Dialogues - 13-11 Cooperative Governance

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Guest Alex Linsker, an organizer with Tax & Conversation, asks "What happens when companies are democratically run?" Tax & Conversation is a cooperatively run tax reform effort which is striving to write an Oregon ballot initiative to reform Oregon's tax structure. Currently there are approximately 400 tax exceptions (loopholes). What would happen if individuals and corporations paid all their taxes without being able to exercise tax exceptions?

Populist Dialogues - 13-10 Ending Corporate Addiction

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If one's best friend or a family member is addicted to drugs, what does one do? You intervene. That is the recourse Scott Silber, national director of National Intervention, suggests we must take to end the addictive behavior of corporate CEOs and other leaders as well as their political allies. Scott has written a book (soon to be released) titled, “True Recovery, Deep Democracy, The 12 Step Guide to Freedom From Addiction to Corporate Power and Money in Politics”

Populist Dialogues - 13-9 Gay Marriage - Neoliberal governance

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Guest Jaye Cee Whitehead, Asst. Sociology Professor (Pacific University), discusses her views of gay marriage, looking at how the gay movement has come to embrace gay marriage as the signature issue for GLBTQ liberation. The 70s gay liberation movement rejected marriage but changed to embrace it in the 21st century. How and why did this change occur? That is what we discuss.