
Populist Dialogues - 13-06 Solving the Economic Crisis

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Our guest is political economist Robin Hahnel from the economics department at Portland State University and formerly with American University in Wash DC. What does history show as the solution to the current and continuing economic crisis? Robin explains why the current polices in Europe for austerity are wrong, why they will continue to be wrong in the United States, and how the correct policies would instead be to stimulate the economy in a manner similar to what happened following the Great Depression.

Populist Dialogues - 13-04 The Economic Choice

This episode is currently not viewable online.

Political economist Robin Hahnel returns as the guest this week talking about his new book, Of the People, By the People, The Case for a Participatory Economy. Saying that progressive people need a future vision of what an alternative economy might look like, Robin notes that the only alternative to capitalism is not the communist systems of the last century but rather one which allows the participation by workers and consumers in deciding for themselves. The private decision making structures around ownership must be replaced by worker and consumer decision making.