
Media Edge

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"Health Care as a Human Right in Occupied Palestine" (60 minutes)
At an event in Sacramento on October 30, Dr. Ruchama Marton, founder of Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and 2010 winner of the Right Livelihood Award, and Dr. Allam Jarrar of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society described the current state of health care in the West Bank. They also discussed the challenges in providing comprehensive health services in light of the military occupation. The event was sponsored by PSR/Sacramento and Jewish Voice for Peace/Sacramento, and endorsed by Sacramento Area Peace Action.

Media Edge

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"Peak Moment" (28 minutes)
“Sharing really is going to save the world!” declares Janelle Orsi, author of "The Sharing Solution," noting that it’s fun, doesn’t require special skills -- and we can start now. She and Jennifer Kassan co-founded the Sustainable Economies Law Center to help people formalize collaborative structures like producer cooperatives, cohousing developments and tool lending libraries. They’re working to reduce the hurdles to investing in locally-owned and locally-controlled enterprises.

"COINTELPRO 101" (65 minutes)

Breaking the Cycle of Gun Violence

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On February 19, 2013 Saving California Communities hosted a community forum on breaking the cycle of gun violence at Davis Community Chambers.

Internationally renowned gun violence researcher Dr. Garen Wintemute of UC Davis School of Medical School was joined by Amanda and Nick Wilcox, legislative and policy chairs of the California Chapter of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.