
All District West Concert 2012

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"All District West Concert 2012"

Emerson Beginning Chorus
Emerson Advanced Chorus
Emerson Combined
Concert Choir
Advanced Treble Choir
Jazz Choir

William Zinn
Karen Gardias

Emerson Accompanist
Paul Bauer

Recorded at the Richard Brunelle Theater on March 27, 2012
by Davis Media Access
TRT: 01:19:23

Big Read: Open Access Science - Misha Angrist

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Big Read: Open Access Science,

a parntership of Yolo County Libraries and graduate students of Evolution & Ecology and Center for Population Biology,

presents Author Appearance of Misha Angrist,

author of "Here is a Human Being: At the Dawn of Personal Genomics"

Recorded March 7, 2012 at the Mary L. Stephens Davis Branch Library Blanchard Room

Produced by Davis Media Access


Digital Arts Partnership Project - DAPP Projects Showcase

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Several PSAs and short videos created by high school students participating in the Digital Arts Partnership Project.  Each video is the result of collaboration between a class of high school students, a teacher/mentor, a non-profit client, and an industry training mentor. For more information please see:
