
Perils for Pedestrians

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--We visit The Hague, for the Walk21 International Pedestrian Conference.
--We meet Jack Short, with the International Transport Forum.
--We visit one of the largest pedestrianized areas in Europe.
--We learn about the International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety, ICTCT.
--We talk with a key participant in the COST Action 328 Pedestrian Quality Needs project.
--We learn about the Making Walking Count project.

What's Going On?

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Jon Li interviews Bill Kopper

What's Going On? guest Bill Kopper will talk with Jon Li about Davis politics past, present and future. Wednesday, March 14, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Davis Community Television/Davis Media Access

Bill Kopper was elected to the Davis City Council in 1976, and re-elected in 1980. Kopper served as Davis Mayor 1982-4.


This episode is currently not viewable online.

presented by The Davis School Orchestral Music Association - DSOMA

performed by The Davis Senior High School Symphony Orchestra

conducted by Angelo Moreno

music by Betsy Lackey

narrated by Michael Lackey

puppetry by Art Grueneberger, Puppet Art Theater Co.

recorded February 24, 2012, 12pm at Davis Senior High School, 315 W 14th st, Davis, CA