Libertarian Counterpoint

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Service Employees International Union sponsored AB 1250 would stop outsourcing of financial, economic, accounting, engineering, legal, etc jobs by counties.

The NFL offers to collaborate with the player's union on cannabis research for pain control.

CSU is dropping its algebra requirement for non-math and science majors.

Ephemerisle and Seasteading.

The war on hydroponic tomatoes by overzealous narcs.

FDA is warming to vaping as less harmful than smoking tobacco.

Libertarian Counterpoint

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The GOP Obamacare repeal and replace debacle.

The Trump proposal to halve legal immigration and go to a merit-based system.

Trump plans to start a trade war with China starting with steel tariffs.

Trump applauds police being rough with suspects in speech to cops. Cops applaud Trump.

Trump's military transgender "ban" that he forgot to tell his generals about.

The rise of the sex bots.


Libertarian Counterpoint

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The problem of actually using city owned undeveloped property in Dixon.

Toronto retired mechanic Adi Asti spent $550 on materials and hiring a homeless man to build a set of stairs in a community park that city fathers wanted to spend $65.000 on...whenever they got around to it. In spite of accidents being prevented by the stairs, city fathers are not happy.

A vigilante pothole team is fixing roads in Santa Cruz County over the objections of county officials...and preventing many thousands of dollars in tire damage in doing so.

In The Studio - Pathways to Employment

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Martha Teeter hosts Bill Pride, Executive Director, Davis Community Meals, and Julie Jenkins, Employee, Pathways to Employment.

topics discussed include: what is Pathways to Employment (hand up to individuals living homeless), what people employed are doing (downtown beautification), what it means to employees to have a job, website & how people can get involved through donations and job opportunities matched to participants in program.

Recorded 07/20/17.

In The Studio - Davis Public Art Map

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Autumn Labbe-Renault hosts Rachel Hartsough, Arts & Culture Manager, City of Davis, Marc Hoshovsky, long time Davis resident, and Jennifer Cadieux, Cartographer, UCD Davis Design Department (MFA candidate 2018). | 530-757-5640

topics discussed include: genesis of efforts to map Davis' public art with assistance from the UC Davis Design Department and City of Davis Arts & Culture Program.

Recorded 07/20/17.

In The Studio - Child Support Awareness

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Madeline Hamaguchi hosts Natalie Dillon, Director Yolo County Child Support Services.

topics discussed include: YCCSS, including establishment of paternity, collection/distribution of child support, financial audits, etc., Child Support Awareness Month, parent and employers services, spreading the word, promo video, easy application.

Recorded 07/20/17.

Libertarian Counterpoint

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Poor neighborhoods hit hardest by asset forfeiture in Chicago. Study by Lucy Parson Labs, a Chicago non-profit shows South and West side black neighborhoods hit the worst.

La’Shieka White (mother of EL Jr.) v VICC – PLF is waiting on a decision from the 8th Cir. after oral argument in April on behalf of Edmund Lee Jr.’s fight against racial discrimination in St. Louis that forbids Edmund to attend the same school as his white neighbors because of race.

Libertarian Counterpoint

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In private letter AG Jeff Sessions asks Congress for permission to go after medical marijuana.

JP Krause – A high school canceled the results of its class presidential election when the student body elected JP after a classmate videotaped his satirical campaign speech in AP History class. PLF defends JP’s First Amendment rights, arguing that freedom of speech does not end at the school steps.

Benjamin Powell of Independent Institute says more immigration is positively correlated with more economic freedom.