Davis Senior Class of 2020 Celebration & Pick Up Event

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Throughout the day on May 29, 2020, seniors and their families visited school sites to pick up caps and gowns.  Senior families were encouraged to slowly cruise the town in decorated vehicles. KDRT-LPFM 95.7fm broadcast a special Davis Senior Celebration radio show. 

Residents, parents and fellow students gave waves, tooted horns, and showed support for our seniors! Congratulations to the Class of 2020!

Teens on Topic #36 - How is high school and college during the pandemic?

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Teens on Topic #36- How is has high school and college been during the pandemic?

Senior year at DJUSD and freshman year at college...during a pandemic.   Davis teens discuss their senior year, the Davis Senior Celebration, and their upcoming graduations, while a former DJUSD student talks about their first year at college- all happening amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recorded via Zoom and through the facilities of Davis Media Access on June 2, 2020.

Davis Parent University - Lisa Damour, PhD - Managing Stress, Anxiety, and Parenting Under COVID-19

This episode is currently not viewable online.

Managing Stress, Anxiety, and Parenting Under COVID-19

With Author
Lisa Damour

and Moderator
Pamela Wu

Presented by Davis Parent University (the video can be watched here)

And Community Partners:
Davis Schools Foundation
Davis Joint Unified School District
Davis Media Access
Saint James School

COVID-19 Community Report May 26, 2020

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COVID-19 Community Report - Episode 21 - May 26, 2020

This is a video made using the audio content from the KDRT 95.7 LP-FM show, found here:


See link above for show content details.

hosted by Autumn Labbe-Renault, Exectutive Director of Davis Media Access, on KDRT 95.7 LP-FM. Tues. & Fri. Noon-12:30pm.

Davisville May 25, 2020 with Steve Boschken, Davis Real Estate and Mortgage Broker

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We're about three months into the Covid-19 pandemic, and today Steve Boschken, a Davis real estate and mortgage broker, returns to Davisville to talk about the effects on Davis rents and housing so far. The subjects include lease renewals among students, the uncertainty of in-person classes at UC Davis this fall, where Davis stood before the pandemic hit, the rise in unemployment, prices, and how conditions in Davis differ from other parts of the region.

Video adaptation of:

COVID-19 Community Report May 22, 2020

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COVID-19 Community Report - Episode 20 - May 22, 2020

This is a video made using the audio content from the KDRT 95.7 LP-FM show, found here:


See link above for show content details.

hosted by Autumn Labbe-Renault, Exectutive Director of Davis Media Access, on KDRT 95.7 LP-FM. Tues. & Fri. Noon-12:30pm.

Life in the Time of COVID-19: Yolo County Community Diary. Submissions 1-4

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Davis Media Access (DMA) invites you to help document the history we’re making during the COVID-19 pandemic by participating in a collaborative, virtual storytelling project here in Yolo County. The project launches April 2 and will remain open until further notice.

Talking Point - Davis Area League of Women Voters

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Lin Weaver interviews the Davis Area League of Women Voters Leadership: The President, Mary Jo Bryan, the Vice President, Bob Fung, and the Secretary/Treasurer, Georgina Valencia.

Topics include: Educational Events, Local Elections Information, and other activities of the League

Please check my website linweavermedia.com

COVID-19 Community Report May 19, 2020

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COVID-19 Community Report - Episode 19 - May 19, 2020

This is a video made using the audio content from the KDRT 95.7 LP-FM show, found here:


See link above for show content details.

hosted by Autumn Labbe-Renault, Exectutive Director of Davis Media Access, on KDRT 95.7 LP-FM. Tues. & Fri. Noon-12:30pm.