Please Support DMA

As you consider making year-end donations to charitable organizations, please also consider how DMA builds community and supports so many other organizations in Yolo County. From teaching media literacy and technical skills to kids who, by and large, aren’t getting that information in school; to a full range of voter education programming; to highlighting important community events, non-profits and local musicians; to providing free access to quality equipment; and so much more, DMA builds community. You in turn, help build and sustain DMA with your donation. We can’t do it without you! Thank you for your support.

Car/Boat Donations Benefit KDRT The Center for Car Donations processes donations of used vehicles (running or not) with a large portion of the proceeds benefiting KDRT. If you'd like more information, please visit, and be sure to designate KDRT as the beneficiary. Davis Community Television, dba Davis Media Access, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Please consult your tax adviser for details.

KDRT is the non-commercial, low-power community radio station managed by Davis Media Access and run by a committed core of volunteers. Together we support more than 40 local programmers who provide unique, only-in Davis programming that’s also enjoyed in dozens of countries around the globe via Underwriting opportunities provide local businesses with a cost-effective and fun way to reach potential customers.