"Health Care as a Human Right in Occupied Palestine" (60 minutes)
At an event in Sacramento on October 30, 2012, Dr. Ruchama Marton, founder of Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and 2010 winner of the Right Livelihood Award, and Dr. Allam Jarrar of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society described the current state of health care in the West Bank. They also discussed the challenges in providing comprehensive health services in light of the military occupation. The event was sponsored by PSR/Sacramento and Jewish Voice for Peace/Sacramento, and endorsed by Sacramento Area Peace Action.
"COINTELPRO 101" (56 minutes)
This film exposes illegal surveillance, disruption,removal, and other extreme tactics used by the US government in the 1950s, 60s,and 70s. COINTELPRO refers to the official FBI COunter INTELigence PROgram carried out to surveil, imprison, and eliminate leaders of social justice movements and to disrupt, divide, and destroy the movements as well. Through interviews with activists who experienced these abuses first-hand and with rare historical footage, the film provides an educational introduction to a period of intense repression and draws relevant lessons for the present and future.