The Road to Recovery - Treatment and Recovery in the Adult and Juvenile Criminal Justice System

Persons involved in both the juvenile and adult justice systems commonly are struggling with mental disorders, substance use disorders, or both.  This show will recognize and promote a trend to directly address mental and substance use disorders in these individuals through treatment and recovery support.  Stragtegies for doing this such as drug courts and diversion programs, will be highlighted.The Show will identify issues associated with different demographic groups at greater risk of justice system involvement, many of whom, have mental or substance use disorders.  issues associated with speciific age groups, including juveniles (12-17 years of age), young adults (18-24 years of age), and older individuals (50-65 years of age) will be examined.  In addition, the movement in this country to reform justice system policies at both the federal and state levels will be discussed, notably sentencing laws as related to drug offenses.  These policy changes have significant implications fo rthe behavioral health care system.

1 hour
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DJUSD-Recovery Month
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