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Libertarian Counterpoint

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Poor neighborhoods hit hardest by asset forfeiture in Chicago. Study by Lucy Parson Labs, a Chicago non-profit shows South and West side black neighborhoods hit the worst.

La’Shieka White (mother of EL Jr.) v VICC – PLF is waiting on a decision from the 8th Cir. after oral argument in April on behalf of Edmund Lee Jr.’s fight against racial discrimination in St. Louis that forbids Edmund to attend the same school as his white neighbors because of race.

Libertarian Counterpoint

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In private letter AG Jeff Sessions asks Congress for permission to go after medical marijuana.

JP Krause – A high school canceled the results of its class presidential election when the student body elected JP after a classmate videotaped his satirical campaign speech in AP History class. PLF defends JP’s First Amendment rights, arguing that freedom of speech does not end at the school steps.

Benjamin Powell of Independent Institute says more immigration is positively correlated with more economic freedom.

Media Edge

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"Bernie Sanders at the People's Summit 2017" (54 minutes)

Bernie Sanders delivered this rousing keynote speech on June 10 at the People’s Summit 2017 in Chicago.  Sanders makes it clear: The time for Revolution is now.

"This is What Democracy Looks Like" (13 minutes)

Media Edge

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"The Laura Flanders Show" (25.5 minutes)

If, in the twenty-first century, credit is the new capital , what are the implications for our finances, but also our relationships? This week, Laura talks with IvanAscher, author of a new book on The Portfolio Society, and debt activist Pam Brown, about the implications of a society based on risk rather than labor.  And we hear from Mandy Cabot, CEO of Dansko shoes who chose her workers over a corporate buyout. She's joined by Richard Eidlin, co-founder of the American Sustainable Business Council.

In The Studio - Yolo Community Care Continuum

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Episode #719

Madeline Hamaguchi hosts Michele Kellogg, Executive Director YCCC, and Debbie Woodsford, Director of Development for YCCC.

topics discussed include: motivational interviewing, services to help live independent lives, help to get jobs for clients w/mental illness and the success it gives the clients, "The Farm" facility they have for training skills, a grant they received for The Farm.

Recorded: 06/15/17.

Libertarian Counterpoint

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Anti-GOP Berner James Hodgkinson of Belleville, Ill shot Majority whip Steve Scalise at a ballpark.

Flint, MI Health Chief Nick Lyon charged by MI AG with involuntary manslaughter for remaining mum about Legionnaires disease outbreak from Flint river resulting in 12 deaths.

Mario Coello arrested and tortured by Venezuelan security for protesting, escaped to U.S. and was immediately arrested and is candidate for deportation.

In The Studio - Greywater Showcase

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Alex Silva hosts Leslie Crenna, of Water Wise Davis and Cool Davis.

topics discussed include: Showcase July 12 at Senior Center, 5:30-7:30pm, types of greywater, various systems used to recover greywater and its uses, the event, guests and what attendees can expect, why greywater recycling is still relevant despite record rainfalls this past winter.