General Audiences - TV-G/ TV-PG

Populist Dialogues - 14-05 - Legal Democracy

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Our program today consists of an edited version of the Move to Amend documentary “Legalize Democracy.” “Legalize Democracy” tells the story of the need to amend the US constitution to end corporate personhood and money equals speech. Features time lines for development of corporate personhood, and some of the major spokespersons of Move to Amend.

First broadcast February 23, 2014

Populist Dialogues - 14-03 - Olympic Games, Militarization, and Protest

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Guest Jules Boykoff, Political Science and Government professor at Pacific University in Oregon, talks about the militarization of the Olympic games, and the prospect of protests happening during the games at Sochi. Jules sees the Olympics as Celebration Capitalism, a form of public private partnerships in which the benefits move from the public to the private. The grisly underbelly of the games are talked about, especially the militarization and the affect on dissent.

First broadcast January 26, 2014

Populist Dialogues - 14-02 - Community Forum on the Trans-Pacific Partnership

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Populist Dialogues presents video of the recent "Community Forum on the Trans Pacific Partnership" in Portland OR. Speakers include

* David Delk, President of Alliance for Democracy (Portland), speaking on the effects of so-called free trade agreements on democracy as well as how intellectual property rights in the TPP will affect affordable medicines,

Populist Dialogues - 14-01 - Why Not Nuclear? The Case Against Nuclear Power

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Guest David Hill is a volunteer working with Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility on their program to stop the use of nuclear power. He delivers a modified version of his power point presentation: “Why Not Nuclear? The Case Against Nuclear Power.” He provides a broad overview of how nuclear works (fission vs fusion), the environmental and health dangers of nuclear energy, discussion of Fukushima and the Columbia Generating Station at Hanford and why it needs to be closed down.

First broadcast December 29, 2013

Populist Dialogues - 13-52 - Friends of Family Farmers

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Leah Rodgers, Dep Exec Director of Friends of Family Farmers (FofFF) describes how and why the organization formed in order to be a community voice supporting small socially responsible family farmers in opposition to a corporate farm in Oregon. FofFF is a non-corporate alternative for family farmers to the Farm Bureau, which is entrenched in the status quo of big corporate farming. Discussion covers challenges faced by small family farmers including access to capital.

Populist Dialogues - 13-51 - Supreme Court Undermines Democracy

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Oregon Common Cause Exec Director Kate Titus joins us to discuss the Supreme Court attack on democracy with the Citizens United decision as well as the upcoming McCutcheon v FEC decision. She states that if McCutcheon strikes down aggregate limits on campaign contributions, it will effectively strike down the individual limits as well.

Populist Dialogues - 13-50 - Folksinger Tom Neilson "Corporations Are Human?"

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Populist Dialogues features progressive populist folksinger Tom Neilson for a sampling of his music starting with "Corporations Are Human?" Music selection included "These Colors Don't Run the World" and "Its a Crime."

First broadcast December 8, 2013