
Populist Dialogues - Social Insecurity 401ks and the Retirement Crisis

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Guest James Russell is the author of "Social Insecurity, 401(k)s and the Retirement Crisis. The retirement crisis is that people are going over a fiscal cliff instead of being able to retire with financial security. James states that this is the result of moving from traditional pension plans to 401(k)s and explains how that has happened with what consequences.

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Poor neighborhoods hit hardest by asset forfeiture in Chicago. Study by Lucy Parson Labs, a Chicago non-profit shows South and West side black neighborhoods hit the worst.

La’Shieka White (mother of EL Jr.) v VICC – PLF is waiting on a decision from the 8th Cir. after oral argument in April on behalf of Edmund Lee Jr.’s fight against racial discrimination in St. Louis that forbids Edmund to attend the same school as his white neighbors because of race.

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In private letter AG Jeff Sessions asks Congress for permission to go after medical marijuana.

JP Krause – A high school canceled the results of its class presidential election when the student body elected JP after a classmate videotaped his satirical campaign speech in AP History class. PLF defends JP’s First Amendment rights, arguing that freedom of speech does not end at the school steps.

Benjamin Powell of Independent Institute says more immigration is positively correlated with more economic freedom.

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Anti-GOP Berner James Hodgkinson of Belleville, Ill shot Majority whip Steve Scalise at a ballpark.

Flint, MI Health Chief Nick Lyon charged by MI AG with involuntary manslaughter for remaining mum about Legionnaires disease outbreak from Flint river resulting in 12 deaths.

Mario Coello arrested and tortured by Venezuelan security for protesting, escaped to U.S. and was immediately arrested and is candidate for deportation.

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6/15/17 #1350

Lynch v. California Coastal Commission on expiration of seawall permits after 20 years.

AB1129 in CA Assembly would prevent seawall construction to protect any structure built after 1977.

SB 1263 in CA Senate would ban developments that rely on use of hauled water.

Banning Ranch v. Newport Beach, the CA Coastal Commission is further delaying a permitting process for residential development that has already been delayed for eight years.

Goldman Sachs buys Venezuelan bonds in the secondary market.

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6/1/17 #1349

Worries about robotization of work destroying jobs; return of the Luddites?

As biotech and artificial intelligence merge are we transforming humans into immortal God-like beings? Luval Harari, author of "A Brief History of Tomorrow" wonders.

In 1961 during the John F Kennedy administration, per capita federal taxes were $4,121 in 2016 dollars. And JFK, a Democrat, wanted to cut taxes. In 2016 federal per capita taxes were $10,114 a 145% increase. Are we getting 145% more for our money?

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5/18/17 #1347

Now the Democrats are finding Russians under the Trump bed. Former FBI head Robert Mueller has been appointed special prosecutor to find them. Ladbrokes of London is now laying 11-10 odds of Trump being impeached during his first term.

China's One Belt-One Road infrastructure buildout. In cooperation with Pakistan, Russia and other countries they are reincarnating the Silk Road from Beijing to Brussels. Making overland trade throughout Asia and Europe much easier. Sign of the American Empire being supplanted by a Eurasian Empire?