Government & Politics

Libertarian Counterpoint

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Man accused of rape in Louisiana denied his right not to be interrogated without a lawyer

Trump's war on opioids will be an expensive, disastrous failure

Under GOP Federal spending soars

Hillary's Russian scandal, Uranium One

Libertarian running for Coroner in Pennsylvania gets encouragement from retiring coroner

Libertarian mayoral candidate in Scranton, PA scores court win for taxpayers.

Libertarian Counterpoint

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1. 3 PLF case representing the 3 P’s of our practice areas:

a. Clark v. Seattle (personal liberties)

b.People for the ethical treatment of property v. Us fish and wildlife service (property rights)

c. Center for biological diversity v. Zinke (procedural guarantees)

2. California Considering Ban on internal combustion cars

3. New Tax Plan could hit Californians hard

Libertarian Counterpoint

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1. Las Vegas shootings: Reason to rethink gun control or rethink prescribing of drugs designed to deal with “mental health issues?”

2. Can Trump handle Kim il Jung? Does he need handling?

3. More than half of all California Students miss English Standard. Even more fail at math. Is it time for School Vouchers?

4. Venezuela: How much proof do we need that Socialism doesn’t work