
Video News from TAC - Jan'13

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Video News from TAC: A half-hour news program each month bringing you stories from around the world.

In this episode, lay volunteers catalog artifacts thorugh the Forest Service Passport In Time (PIT) program at the Edge of the Cedars State Park Meseum in Blanding, Utah.

The rocky island of Inishark, off the west coast of Ireland, was inhabited for thousands of years and then abandoned in 1960. Archaeologists fortunately can bring three former residents to the island to help them dicument the very visible ruins.

Sci-fi Journal - Jan'13

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UPDATE 1/5/13: Sci-Fi Journal for January 2013 with hosts James Hinsey, Jay Kingston, Marc Morisseau, and Calvin Watts III. Ox Baker was at RI Comic Con and tells viewers to watch Sci-Fi Journal. We show off our 2012 Rhode Island PEG Award for Best Magazine format/New Program. Popcorn Previews with Jay with trailers for “Epic”, “Iron Man 3”, “Jack the Giant Slayer”, “Man of Steel”, “Pacific Rim”, and “Star Trek Into Darkness”. More interviews from RI Comic Con from November: Jay with Operation Comix Relief, Calvin with Ox Baker, and James with Shquib TV.

Winter Concert 2012 - Holmes Junior High Orchestras

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Holmes Junior High Winter Concert 2012.

featuring The Divertimentalists, The Holmes Junior High Intermediate Orchestra, No Strings Attached, and the Holmes Junior High Advanced Orchestra.

Conducted by Angelo Moreno.

recorded at the Richard Brunelle Performing Arts Theatre.

December 19, 2012, 7:00pm.