Davis Futures Forum presents Adapting to Climate Change: Lessons from France

Davis Futures Forum presents Adapting to Climate Change: Lessons from France

Hosted by Davis Mayor Brett Lee

This talk discusses the differences between carbon reduction efforts the US and Europe. The speaker, French engineer Daniel Fauré will focus in more detail on comparisons between efforts in similar geographies of France and California, and on locally-driven programs that offer opportunities for Davis.

FAURÉ is an internationalist with a passionate interest in combating climate change. He has a particular interest in comparative technologies and climate adaptation strategies between his home in Southern France and Northern California. Daniel was the primary instigator in the 1980’s of a multi-year engineer exchange between Davis Energy Group and ADRET, his comparable energy consulting firm in France. This three-year exchange allowed employees of the two firms to travel and work in each other’s offices.

Also features Yves Doligez, retired, Ex-associate at ADRET Ingénieurs Associés and Administrator at Envirobat BDM Association.

Recorded December 6, 2019 by Davis Media Access in the Davis City Council Chambers.

Sponsored by the City of Davis & Cool Davis with generous financial assistance from Bike Davis and Davis Media Access.

1 hour 27 min
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