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"2016 High School Scholarship Essay Contest" (1 hour, 16 minutes)

In 2016, the Physicians for Social Responsibility (Sacramento Chapter) received essays that were submitted by more than 130 high school seniors in Sacramento and surrounding counties, reacting to this quotation from the Dalai Lama: "Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free."Each of the 10 finalists in this year's contest, chosen by a panel of distinguished judges, received a $1,000 scholarship. After each finalist read their essay at this May 1, 2016 event and responded to a question from one of the judges, the panel selected the First Place winner ($3,000 scholarship), Second Place winner ($2,500 scholarship), and Third Place winner ($2,000 scholarship).

"We're Going to Change Everything" (4.5 minutes)

This music video, produced in Sacramento, highlights messages about some of the important issues our country is dealing with today. Short segments of Bernie Sanders’ speeches are incorporated into the song.

"The Story of Stuff" (21 minutes)

"The Story of Stuff" -- an animated documentary about the lifecycle of material goods -- is one of the most widely viewed environmental-themed short films of all time. It has been shown in thousands of schools, houses of worship, community events and businesses around the world.

"Climate Change is Happening. Here's How We Adapt" (14.5 minutes)

Imagine the hottest day you've ever experienced. Now imagine it's six, 10 or 12 degrees hotter. According to climate researcher Alice Bows-Larkin, that's the type of future in store for us if we don't significantly cut our greenhouse gas emissions now. In this June 2015 TED Talk, she suggests that it's time we do things differently -- a whole system change, in fact -- and seriously consider trading economic growth for climate stability.

Episode Number: 
1 hour 59 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
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