Media Edge

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"Glenn Greenwald: Why Privacy Matters" (20.5 minutes)

Glenn Greenwald was one of the first reporters to see -- and write about --  the Edward Snowden files, with their revelations about the United States' extensive surveillance of private citizens. In his October 2014 TED Talks presentation, Greenwald makes the case for why you need to care about privacy, even if you’re “not doing anything you need to hide."

"Reclaiming Their Voice: The Native American Vote in New Mexico" (41.5 minutes)

This 2009 documentary -- directed by EMMY-winning filmmaker, Dorothy Fadiman -- documents ways in which Native Americans have been disenfranchised over centuries, in particular in voting representation. 

It chronicles the Laguna Pueblo tribe of New Mexico in their 2004 groundbreaking voter registration drive and the challenges they faced once Laguna voters arrived at the polls. The film also shows the Sacred Alliance for Grassroots Equality's (SAGE) fight to preserve parts of the sacred Petroglyph National Monument.

The film is narrated by Peter Coyote and features interviews with members of the local Laguna community, including New Mexico House Representative, W. Ken Martinez. 

Robin H. Levin, the Community Librarian of the Fort Washakie School in Wyoming, said of the film: "Emotions run deep when viewing this insightful political documentary. The story blends sincere efforts to achieve political clout with unfortunate results that, somehow, do not shut down the hopes of Native voters in New Mexico."

In 2010, the film won the “Best New Mexico Film Award” at the first Duke City Doc Festival, which later became the Albuquerque International Film Festival.

"How Texas Shut Down a Prison" (7 minutes)

Texas saved $2 billion for taxpayers by cutting prison spending while making the state safer. Now it's time to renew those reforms. This video was produced in partnership with the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition.

"An Evening With Naomi Tutu" (46.5 minutes)

Naomi Tutu, daughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, spoke in Sacramento at a 2012 event recorded by Media Edge. Tutu was educated in Swaziland, the US and England, and has divided her adult life between South Africa and the US. She has served as a development consultant in West Africa and a program coordinator for programs on Race and Gender and Gender-Based Violence in Education at the African Gender Institute at the University of Cape Town. She has also taught at the Universities of Hartford and Connecticut and Brevard College. The challenges of growing black and female in apartheid South Africa has led to her present avocation as an activist for human rights. Those experiences taught how much we all lose when any of us is judged purely on physical attributes. During her Sacramento appearance, she blended her passion for human dignity with humor and personal stories.

Episode Number: 
1 hour 59 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
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