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"Green Card Voices: Muhend Abakar" (8 minutes)

Born in the city of Nyala, Muhend Abakar spent the first four years of his life in Sudan before moving to Egypt with his family.  When he first arrived in Egypt, he was saddened by the racism he encountered and had a difficult time socializing. Muhend eventually made many friends by playing of soccer and discovered how easy it is to meet people through sports.

When his parents told him they were moving to the United States, Muhend did not believe them. Only when the paperwork started did he take them seriously. Muhend was shocked when he first arrived in America. From the snow falling from the sky to the English language, everything was foreign to him.

Currently, Muhend attends South High School in Fargo, ND. He is extremely active in the school and has participated on several athletic teams including soccer, basketball, and track. In the future, Muhend hopes to be

computer engineer like his uncle in Egypt.

"Deport Hate" (9.5 minutes)

Our immigration system is broken. Families are being separated, immigrant workers exploited, human lives are being lost at the border, there is rampant persecution and discrimination of immigrants and a continuation in

the perpetuation of negative stereotypes and the criminalization of migration.

How did we get here? How did we sacrifice basic human and civil rights in the name of political posturing, agendas and money interests? What can we do to reverse this?

"Why Journalists Have an Obligation to Challenge Power" (14 minutes)

You can kick Jorge Ramos out of your press conference (as Donald Trump infamously did in 2015), but you can never silence him. A reporter for more than 30 years, Ramos believes that a journalist's responsibility is to

question and challenge those in power. In this compelling talk — which earned him a standing ovation midway through — Ramos explains why, in certain circumstances, he believes journalists must take sides.

(In Spanish with English subtitles.)

"From Danger to Dignity" (55 minutes)

After more than a century of back-alley tragedies, a national movement to decriminalize abortion took root. FROM DANGER to DIGNITY combines rare archival footage with present-day interviews to weave together two parallel stories: the evolution of underground networks to help women find safe abortions outside the law and the intensive efforts of activists and legislators who broke the silence and changed the laws.

"The Laura Flanders Show" (26.5 minutes)

Although cities across the country have announced themselves as sanctuaries, the queer and trans communities who defined this movement have been routinely failed by those same cities' adherence to regressive policing

tactics. This week, Jennicet Gutiérrez, of La Familia Trans Queer Liberation Movement, and Hamid Khan, of the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition, join Laura to take measure of the contradictions found in state sanctioned surveillance of so-called sanctuary communities.

Episode Number: 
1 hour 58 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
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