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"The Laura Flanders Show" (78.5 minutes)

In these three episodes, Laura and her guests address these topics:

“Art, AIDS & Challenge of Retrospection,” “Communities Over Commodities,” and “Making Data Shift Power.”

"The Standing Rock Resistance and Our Fight for Indigenous Rights" (11 minutes)

Tribal attorney Tara Houska chronicles the history of attempts by government and industry to eradicate the legitimacy of indigenous peoples' land and culture, including the months-long standoff at Standing Rock which rallied thousands around the world.

"Erik Prince and the Case for Active, Documented Collusion Against Iran" (12.5 minutes)

Jeremy Scahill breaks down the Trump Tower meeting that Blackwater founder Erik Prince set up with a representative of the Saudi and Emirati royals and an Israeli who runs propaganda and media manipulation operations.

"Immigrant Stories: Teachers" (5.5 minutes)

In this latest video by Brave New Films, educators reveal how immigration enforcement actions are disrupting their students’ lives and affecting not just their education, but their overall wellbeing.

"The Loss of the Immeasurable" (8 minutes)

Our society has definitely become masters at increasing the amount of things we can measure -- more and more money, more and more floor space per capita, more and more GDP -- and less and less of more important things that we can’t measure.

Episode Number: 
1 hour 58 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
DCTV - Sponsored Programs
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