Media Edge

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"As Twitter Suspends Alex Jones, Should We Worry About Silicon Valley?" (32 minutes)

Sam Biddle, Glenn Greenwald, and Briahna Joy debate how the left should consider free speech issues in the context of online platforms.

"Why the "Wrong Side of the Tracks" Is Usually the East Side of Cities" (7 minutes)

What do communities on the social, economic and environmental margins have in common? For one thing, they tend to be on the east sides of cities.

Stephen DeBerry explains how environmental and man-made factors have led to disparity by design in cities from East Palo Alto to East Jerusalem – and how to fix it.

"Corporate Landlords: The Fight for Affordable Housing in California" (8.5 minutes)

Moldy walls, leaky roofs, rising rents. That’s what tenants of Stephen Schwarzman, Blackstone CEO, are living with.

It’s time to rise up for rent control.

"What You Need to Know about Housing Discrimination" (7 minutes)

Housing is one of the most basic rights a person has, but too many people in America are discriminated against when they go to rent or buy a home. News coverage needs to highlight this ongoing crisis.

"Class in Session" (55 minutes)

Robert Reich invites you to join his class on wealth and inequality in America.

Topics of these first 3 classes: “How to Ignite Social Change;” “Understand

Your Split Brain;” and “What Should Be the Purpose of Corporations?”

Episode Number: 
1 hour 58 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
DCTV - Sponsored Programs
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