Media Edge

"Peak Moment" (38 minutes)
Two ongoing environmental events are affecting all life on the planet, even if it’s not yet noticeable where you live. Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock is watching climate change and Fukushima very closely. In this program, he summarizes the latest reports and predictions. Extreme weather events are increasing and worsening. Ocean dead zones are growing. Methane from melting permafrost is warming the atmosphere faster than carbon dioxide. The Fukushima nuclear site has already increased airborne radioactivity in the northern hemisphere. Ocean-borne radioactivity will be hitting the North American west coast by 2014. And no one knows what to do about it. But Alex has ideas on how we can respond individually and positively.

"An Evening with Rabbi Michael Lerner" (68 minutes)
Founder of the Network of Spiritual Progressives, Rabbi Michael Lerner spoke in Sacramento in 2012 at an event recorded by Media Edge. In his book, "Embracing Israel/Palestine", Lerner describes his views about building peace between Israel and Palestine, which he discusses at length during this presentation. Lerner is a political activist, the editor of Tikkun, a progressive Jewish interfaith magazine based in Berkeley, California, and the rabbi of Beyt Tikkun Synagogue of San Francisco. Lerner was a leader in the Berkeley student movement and the Free Speech Movement, chair of the Free Student Union, and chair from 1966-1968 of the Berkeley chapter of the Students for a Democratic Society.

Episode Number: 
1 hour 58 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
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