Secret Fortunes

One of these people will change the world. They just don't know it...

Set in the mythical land of Starpoint Mountain, ruled by the benevolent Giant Lords, Maya, a fortune teller, has seen many things. She has learned that, deep down, most people either don't want change or want someone else to do it and she happily tells them what they want to know. Sometimes she see's bad things, and finally she sees that everything they know will change. Now she she must decide if she should let it happen.

This show was produced by and for PATV18 in Iowa City, Iowa and shows just how much can be achieved on public access TV.  This is a one shot dramatic character piece, designed with a PG rating in mind, an unlimited target audience.  The fantasy, sword and sorcery elements are very strong but there is a very positive message to the story that could appeal to everyone, especially children and families.

21 min 49 sec
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Creative Commons License: 
AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivatives
DCTV - Sponsored Programs
DCTV Digital Library