Davis Nishi Gateway, Workshop One: Mobility, Open Space and Community Character

The City of Davis hosted two community-based planning meetings to discuss planning for the Davis Nishi Gateway.

The workshops featured presentations and opportunities to share ideas about the planning of the Davis Nishi Gateway.

Each workshop will provide an overview of the planning effort, schedule and goals.

This video focused on Mobility, Open Space and Community Character opportunities for the Davis Nishi Gateway.

Mobility discussion included multi-modal transportation opportunities, connectivity, and parking. Open space and community character discussion included opportunities for green spaces, an open space network, street character and view sheds.

The workshop includes the following participants:

Adrian Engel- AIM Consulting

Mike Webb - City of Davis Community Development Director

Bob Segar - UC Davis, Long Range Planning

Prakash Pinto - Pinto and Partners, Consultant Team

Recorded by Davis Media Access on May 28, 2014 at the Veterans' Memorial Center.

1 hour 3 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
DCTV - Locally Produced
DCTV Digital Library