Francis Mangels - Geo-Engineering Questions & An Interview by John White

From the series collection Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails.

Francisis presently a professor and master gardener, growing in the Pacific Northwest for 50 years.  He came from farm and forest country in Montana and Idaho, to Mt. Shasta in 1981.  With a BS cum laude in Forestry 1970 and MS in Zoology 1976, Francis also has "minors" in many conservation and natural resource subjects: soils, geology, botany, bugs, fish, agriculture, range, wildlife, and conservation management.  Francis retired from district biologist for Mt.Shasta-McCloud USFS in 2008, where he did range, wildlife, botany, mushrooms, fisheries, and other input to timber sales and other natural resource projects for 35 years. He also was a USDA Soil Conservationist for the Soil Conservation Service and served farms, ranches, orchards and vineyards by his belief that local communities should become self-sustaining as soon as possible. He also believes in thrifty living and cooperative effort among townsfolk and businesses. "Everyone has something to offer; hopefully something as practical as possible."

53 min 52 sec
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