Strata: Portraits of Humanity - Jul'16

(1) The Birch Creek Charcoal Kilns are a group of beehive-shaped clay charcoal kilns near Leadore, Idaho, built in 1886 to produce charcoal to smelt lead and silver ore from the nearby Viola Mine.  (2) Brora, Scotland, is where a volunteer-based excavation recorded the town’s historic salt houses before a big storm washed them away.  (3) Blacksmiths make a replica of a Saxon Sword.  This sword was buried with its owner and lay underground for 1500 years until it was found by archaeologists in the 1980s ahead of planned highway construction.

Birch Creek Charcoal Kilns (Wikipedia)

Blacksmiths Forge Replica of Saxon Sword for a Film (Banbury Guardian)

Brora (Wikipedia)

Charcoal Kilns Interpretive Site (USDA Forest Service)

Clyne Heritage Society

Excavation and Survey at Watchfield, Oxfordshire, 1983-1989: An Interim Report. By Christopher Scull in Oxoniensia (1990)

Global Human Ecodynamics Alliance

Oxfordshire County Council Museums

Scottish Coastal Archaeology and the Problem of Erosion

Scotland’s Coastal Heritage at Risk

Unearthing an Anglo-Saxon Pattern-welded Sword (Oxford University Museums)

Warren King Charcoal Kilns (Library of Congress)

28 min 30 sec
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