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"The Laura Flanders Show" (25.5 minutes)

Building the Democratic Economy, from Preston to Cleveland.

Preston, England, the birthplace of the industrial revolution in many ways, is experimenting with a new, cooperative model, inspired by another formerly industrialized city: Cleveland, Ohio.

"To Prison for Poverty" (13.5 minutes)

To Prison for Poverty documents the system that enables private probation companies to profit from charging excessive fees to low income people who can't pay small fines like traffic tickets. If they can't pay, they go to jail.

"The Democratic Party and 2018 Midterms" (34 minutes)

Prior to her stunning upset victory in the recent Democratic Party primary election in New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talked to Glenn Greenwald about the need for Democratic Party reform, her views on immigration and criminal justice reform, why she has taken such unusually blunt positions on Israel and Palestine, and the challenges of running against a machine boss politician.

"Who Should Get Into the USA?" (17.5 minutes)

Robert Reich looks at the facts behind the immigration debate.

"A Tale of Two Cities" (12.5 minutes)

The story of two very different Michigan communities -- picturesque, small town Evart and gritty, industrial Flint -- who have found their futures inextricably linked by a threat to the one thing that all life requires: water.

Episode Number: 
1 hour 58 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
DCTV - Sponsored Programs
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