Davis Futures Forum presents Community Engagement Starts@Home with Rick Cole: Lessons from the Field

The Davis Futures Forum will host Rick Cole, a highly respected local government leader, on Thursday, June 25, from 7:00pm to 8:30pm via Zoom. Cole notes, “Whether it is climate change, racial justice, income inequality, affordable housing, gender equity or public health, solving our nation’s most pressing challenges starts at home.”

Cole will share his experiences in cities with constrained resources where cross-sector leaders have stepped up to address the problems, each contributing what they do best – from rewriting a general plan, to building a playground to removing a derelict building.   Following his talk, a panel will provide brief comments.

Panel participants include Davis City Manager Mike Webb, Chair of the Davis Downtown Plan Advisory Committee, Meg Arnold, and Nico Fauchier-Magnan, President, Bike Davis. Councilmember Lucas Frerichs will be moderating.  Following the panel, participants will be able to submit questions to Cole or the panelists via Zoom.

Co-sponsors of the talk include the City of Davis, Cool Davis and Bike Davis.

To participate in the event, go to the Davis Futures Forum web page at Cool Davis.org.

Thanks to Davis Media Access for editing and hosting this video.

1 hour 50 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
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AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivatives
DCTV - Locally Produced
DCTV Digital Library